We Design and Manufacture the skids according to the international standards we make the solution to fit your application, whether on shore or offshore we manufacture the system to fit your needs.
Foam Pumps:
Normally foam pumps are made of Stainless Steel material and are resistant to foam Concentrate corrosive manners. Foam pumps may be Diesel Driven or electrical Driven as per Specifications and Project Starndards.
Foam pumps that are normally used for these applications are:
• Positive Displacement Pumps
• Gear Pumps
Variable Foam Proportioner:
The Venturi balance pressure foam proportioners for variable flow rate are utilized for foam systems with different independent foam outlets which can work simultaneously or separately.
The balance pressure foam proportioner for variable flow rate automatically regulates the correct foam compound admixing percentage to a variable water flow in a range 1: 10.
For example: the same foam proportioner is Suitable for automatically admixing the proper foam compound percentage in a foam system with 10 monitors both if only 1 monitor is working singularly and if all monitors are working simultaneously.
Foam Solution Container:
Foam Solution Container is an atmospheric container whether made of Stainless Steel or polymers which are corrosion resistant.
Containers comes in all Sizes and shapes, we will choose the best one for your application per project Standards and Specifications.
System Parts:
• Pressure relief valve for pumps
• Pumps Control panel
• Strainers
• Isolating ball and butterfly valves
• Stainless Steel piping